How Frequent is a Cyber Attack

We don’t usually suspect that a cyber attack is happening that often, but I am here to inform you that it happens more than you think. How frequently you may ask? Well the Blackberry Security team has given us that answer. Just in the span of 90 days there have been 1,578,733 mayor cyber attacks […]

An interview with: Cecilia Bolivar

Hello noodles, on February 28, 2023 I interviewed had the privilege to interview Cecilia Bolivar on her experiences navigating through life while being affected by the pandemic, the lockdown, online classes, as well as changing universities during this era. I felt she had some interesting insights about how she passed time during those moments and how it […]

Introducing Me-

Hello I’m Robin(John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt), I’m currently attending Digital Storytelling course in Sagrado Corazón. Original I stated that I like noodles and grating cheese, but this was ploy for a intentionally humoristic red herring. So allow me to formally introduce myself, my name is Robin Bustelo, not John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt(his name is not […]

Reflexion Final

Este curso fue realmente algo que disfrute. Es un curso muy «moderno» pues este tipo de tema realmente nunca lo hubiera visualizados en tiempos anteriores y me ha gusta aprender un poco de todo. Lo mas’ que me gusto fue Una foto cada dia a travez de Intsagram, fue un desafio interesante que me ayudo […]