Creando Gif’s!

En esta tarea decidí crear gif’s de dos de mis películas favoritas no solo enseñando su esencia si no que también muestro mis partes favoritas de cada una. Espero que disfruten los gifs tanto como yo. The Avengers (2012) Esta escena de la película The Avengers captura exactamente la esencia de este film pues fue […]

Favorite Films/Series

During class we were tasked with sharing our favorite films/series with all of you. It could be any film/series we wanted, though the catch was we would share personal gifs we created to demonstrate them. So here are two of my picks—one film, one series. The Emperor’s New Groove The Emperor’s New Groove is one […]

AI Image generation – A knight’s Tale

Is anyone else impressed, excited and also kinda scared because of AI? I am! I’ve been tasked on creating a story using AI generated images, so here goes my attempt at making an attractive one with Microsoft’s Copilot! Let’s start with the general story: Once upon a time, in medieval England, there lived an extraordinary […]


Quiero compartir con ustedes dos películas que son básicas pero que significan mucho para mí. Son esas películas que me llenan de risa y me reconfortan en los momentos difíciles. Para darles un vistazo a su esencia, he seleccionado dos GIFs animados para cada película. Estos GIFs mostrarán momentos que considero particularmente interesantes o que […]

Resident Evil 4 Remake

So the other day I played Resident Evil 4 Remake. Resident Evil 4 Remake is the continuation of a recent trend in not only the Resident Evil series, but gaming as a whole—Revisiting old games. Remakes as a concept aren’t new and they can be dated back all the way to 1993 when Nintendo popularized […]

Questions all around

Hello friends i hope you are all well! this week our CMU260 class was challenged to record and interview, and I’ve chosen my good friend Angel! (you should all check out his blog by clicking on his name!) we spoke of a personal study related to oceanic pollution and shared opinions on the lovely puertorrican […]


Hello friends i hope all is well! Today i am here to talk about the best movie studio to have ever existed: Studio Ghibli!! To be fully honest in my 20 years of life I’ve seen only about 10 movies, and 8 of them are studio Ghibli, so this assignment was a bit more than […]

Gif’s de Peliculas Favoritas

Aqui tengo 4 Gifs de las peliculas que yo mas adoro (actualmente) y algunos gifs tienen un mensaje importante. The Matrix 1. Blue Pill or Red Pill? Esta es una escena muy popular y muy significativa para las personas. En la Pelicula “The Matrix” Morpheus (Hombre con gafas) le da dos opcion al personaje principal, […]

Entrevistando a Danna

Hoy estuve entrevistando a mi compañera Danna Castro para la clase En esta entrevista Danna me hablo sobre su país de procedencia que es Colombia y después de saber esto le pregunte que es su cosa favorita de Puerto Rico a lo que me contesto que las playas son su cosa favorita de aca. […]