Final Project

Here we are on the finishing line of the CMU 260 course. As the final project that we had assigned for the class, we requested to investigate the impact of technology on the students of the university. The answers were rather varied, but as you will all see soon the general feeling around technology today […]

TTRPGs in Instagram Posts

In the following post, I’ve decided to post 10 of my top Instagram pages. Seeing as my hobby is TTRPG, naturally my top Instagram pages are RPG related. Let’s get started! Maps By Tom Cartos One of the basic requirements for running any table of your favorite Tabletop Role-playing Game, whether it is Dungeons and […]

GIFs for my Top Movies

Hello everyone! Today I’m going we’re going to talk about some of the movies that I recently had a chance and, in one occasion, re-watch. For this particular job, the focus on practicing the creation of GIFs, so we will accompany some of our movie talk with GIFs. Nope To start things off, let’s talk […]