Final project!

Hello friends! we are finally here! After such a long journey, me and my classmates at cmu260 are nearing the end of the semester! And for our final project, we collectively worked on conducting interviews for the topic of Technology, and the impacts it has on education and careers! Me and my Classmate Jonairy worked […]


Hello friends today I’m here to share some Instagram accounts that i enjoy quite a lot, hopefully you will too! as you can probably imagine most of these accounts will be heavily ocean themed! the first account i will talk about is @Ocean.destinations! This account specializes in sharing beautiful ocean seascapes brimming with life. Our […]

Questions all around

Hello friends i hope you are all well! this week our CMU260 class was challenged to record and interview, and I’ve chosen my good friend Angel! (you should all check out his blog by clicking on his name!) we spoke of a personal study related to oceanic pollution and shared opinions on the lovely puertorrican […]


Hello friends i hope all is well! Today i am here to talk about the best movie studio to have ever existed: Studio Ghibli!! To be fully honest in my 20 years of life I’ve seen only about 10 movies, and 8 of them are studio Ghibli, so this assignment was a bit more than […]

A new Critter joins the stage!

Hello friends! today i come here to talk to you about “Scyphozoa” more commonly known as a Jellyfish. Jellyfish have been around for millions of years and are considered one of the oldest life forms on Earth. According to the US National Science foundation, fossil evidence suggests that jellyfish have been in existence for at […]

About me

Lets get to know each other! My name’s nova, and I’m currently a second year majoring in computer science in the University of Sagrado Corazon.?My love for the digital world comes from my fascination with video games. I’ve always wondered how everything worked behind the screen, and now as I study my bachelors I’m leaning […]

lets chat!

Hello friends! Lets talk about last week’s #CMU260 meeting We got to discuss and explore each other’s podcast tastes, all in preparation for our eventual brainstorming towards  making our podcast. Soon after we got on to opening WordPress accounts and setting up fun blogs, as well as customizing them! as you can see mine is […]