Hello my dear readers, today I have brough to you a few scenes from films that I strongly recommend, not just for the refreshing and modern styles of filming, but also for their unique plots and development. Films I hope take up a slot in your next movie night.

First off we got Bullet Train, this wonderful film is set in a modern day Japan. The plot itself is hard to define as its many stories intertwined. Through out the film we follow multiple characters(all played by all-star Hollywood actors) riding in Japan’s iconic Bullet Train going from Tokyo to Hiroshima.(if they are heroes or villains that’s up to you). The underlying teaching of the film is “Things happen for a reason”.


This scene is an introduction to one of the film’s main antagonists “The White Plague”. This scene was one of my favorites because in just a few seconds we learn this characters personality and way of thinking. IMO The White Plague is one of the best antagonists every written. A character driven by chance and love. Sure, that love might end with a bullet, but humans ain’t perfect.


This scene follows Tangerine(yes, really) played by the great Aaron Taylor-Johnson. In the film Tangerine is a always focused and cunning “specialist” that always focuses on the mission at hand. This scene stands out as it gives us a snippet into Tangerine releasing some highly understandable stress. One of the few scenes where we can see who he is outside “the job”.

Next up, we got Jojo Rabbit, this film is set in 1940s Nazi Germany. The film follows the daily life of Hitlerjugend(Nazi Boy Scouts) Jojo Betsler. A young boy indoctrinated with the Nazi manifesto to its core, while still keeping his childlike innocence(an Imaginary Hitler is his BFF), discovers that his mother(played by Scarlett Johansson) is hiding a jewish girl by the name of Elsa in his now deceased sister’s bedroom. Now Jojo must work out his ideologies and his feelings while being surrounded by a falling Germany.


This scene is incredibly impactful as it shows Jojo’s young heart opening to Elsa, the addition of the butterflies in the stomach is something that I found incredibly refreshing as it brings a merge between modern cinema and classic filmmaking. It portrays the beautiful pureness of young love.


In this scene we see Jojo’s mentor Captain “Captain K” Klenzendorf(played by Sam Rockwell) and his assistant/lover Freddy Finkel(played by Alfie Allen). Just for starters Captain K is NOT a Nazi, he is an officer of the German army. Cap K as the movie and the character portray, is a man who loves his job and his country but cant help but feel sorrow for the slow decay around him caused by the war. He is a distinguished officer but do to Jojo’s actions, was transferred into managing the city’s defenses. In this Scene he and his lover/assistant Freddy take up arms and fight along side their fellow soldiers against the US and British forces.

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