[This is a post that originates from Evernote. I take note of something, then push it to an Evernote notebook. Later, an engine by Zapier [sort of like IfTTT] pushes the new stuff to this blog as a draft. Finally, I edit the resulting masterpiece. I love automated soulless machinery.]

Mazes, who doesn’t love them? Here are a few of Sofia Bonati’s amazing ladies-with mazes and other patterns.

For the past couple of years, Sofia Bonati has been drawing intricate portraits of women against a backdrop of mazes and floral patterns. […] “There are definitely elements in my work that naturally relate to feminism. The portraits I draw reflect the complexity and power of women.”

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

From The Guardian, Sat 30 Dec 2017

Instagram Photo


So this is an interesting things that’s happening with artists and photographers everywhere, who are using digital tech to make new forms of art (or of their art). Many also use Instagram and the Web to showcase and share their work.

The post Posting from Evernote [via Zapier] & some a-maze-ing women painted by Sofia Bonati appeared first on Skate of the web.

Antonio Vantaggiato