Chance GIF’s and some learning
Now that the semester is coming to an end I have the chance to share a little more, and not like the presentation done in August, and posted only now soon, the poor sitting for all this time in the … Continue reading
CMU 260 | Digital Storytelling | 2024 | Sagrado
Now that the semester is coming to an end I have the chance to share a little more, and not like the presentation done in August, and posted only now soon, the poor sitting for all this time in the … Continue reading
I have been following John Naughton’s blog Memex (the title being a link in itself to the mother of all hypertext machines) for a while, for his recommendations and acute, to-the-point observations, his articles on The Observer, and so on. … Continue reading
In a recent post on his Half An Hour blog (which he declares to be “A place to write, half an hour, every day, just for me.”), Stephen Downes struck a chord with me, for what he writes and how … Continue reading →
Change the world? As many say, shall we move back to normality—the very normality that defined a world on the brink of disaster? What? No disaster in your perception-horizon? Same with privilege, we don’t recognize or have perception of disaster before…
Tell you something: I did no pivoting, when the remote ed pandemics struck. In fact, I seamlessly transited from face-to-face to remote and online teaching (and learning, ftw) in an easy way. Here is my experience after three full COVID-driven … …
Since the beginning of this blog, I have written in English, with just a few excursions to Spanish, the language I speak every day. Until recently I did not feel the need of using my native Italia, until now. I … Continue reading →
Institutions of learning should be devoted to the cultivation of curiosity. –A. Flexner Abraham Flexner conceived and developed the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and was its founding director from 1930 to 1939. A unique place, that w…
Two episodes describe the magic that happens when you get inspired by something and rush to work on an imitation process—on something that you want to go after. Such episodes may change your life. In my case, there are two episodes plus one. Also, an h…
Wrapping up a nice semester split in two with a great groups of students. New Media (inf115) is a course of Sagrado, set up with a connected an open strategy, which borrows from the syndicated content model as well as … Continue reading
Primer ejemplo (incrustado desde Segundo ejemplo (incrustado desde Tercer ejemplo (buscar en “online class”) Cuarto ejemplo (creado a partir de vídeoclip de Parasite, 2’23”) Ejemplo de playlist Spotify
Hey, welcome to my presentation for the 2020 edition of OER Conference.
Session description and all is here (
Second film in my #cineitalia course, Dino Risi’s 1962 cult-movie Il Sorpasso, with Gassman and Trintignant. #awesomeness #film
The long pronounced mantra of current economies is that to survive in the disruptive digital world, one would need to Lower the number of workers Increase the content they produce. Or, maximize per-worker productivity. Which has a few corollaries: cut … Continue reading →
I was 17 and for the first time out of my own city and country. I was in London, summer 1976. I do remember Trafalgar and Soho from that stay. A month-long stay that my parents had planned to have … Continue reading →
I love wandering through the Web. And I have a pretty standard routine reading every day the mainstream press online. It’s basically four titles: El Nuevo Día (, Puerto Rico’s main newspaper; La Repubblica (, Italy’s most important (together with … Continue reading →