Le reunión de hoy lunes 16–primera clase luego de más de tres semanas de pausa dictada por el huracán María– fue súper. Casi todos los estudiantes estaban, y la pasamos muy bien.
Now, let’s deal with novelties. First, there is Alan Levine’s Bridge/Puente de Puerto Rico. Please read the previous post as well as his, and ask your social networks’ friends to write us a postcard! Tell them the address, and ask them to write a nice message with tags “inf115” and “care4sagrado”. Let them be creative!!
We’d love to receive a lot of cards.
Then, I have set up a little form to add your blog to our syndication. if you write-in you blog’s URL and its title, then by magic, your content will appear in this very gorgeous portal. You can decide that only content under one specific tag be syndicated (in this case, you may use “inf115” or “care4sagrado” as filtering tags). Or you can give us your full content and it will pass here. Thanks!
If you want to add your blog, then please go to the About subpage and on the right you shall find the little form.
We are also going to do a little podcast with the collaboration of the whole class, and Alan’s help. More later.
Over, for today, it was a pretty dense day, Time to rest.
[Featured image. Flickr photo: Plan B, by Chris Koerner. CC-licensed, BY-NC-SA]