Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled.

Flickr photo by Michael Hall. CC-Licensed BY-NC-SA.

A book review on Repubblica.it reminds me of a singular issue in the teaching & learning community: Studying, the road less traveled. In it, studying is compared to a sort of rebel passion. Studying is disappearing, writes Paola Mastrocola, author of the … Continue reading

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Blue is the color and the movie: A review for the Web and myself.


Rarely, sometimes, I feel compelled to write down a film experience. And curate, together  with the writing, videos and GIFs and links. The movie I watched yesterday–a three-hour-long session– is doing that. Not only, it reminded me deeply of the … Continue reading

The post Blue is the color and the movie: A review for the Web and myself. appeared first on Skate of the web.