Posting from Evernote [via Zapier] & some a-maze-ing women painted by Sofia Bonati

[This is a post that originates from Evernote. I take note of something, then push it to an Evernote notebook. Later, an engine by Zapier [sort of like IfTTT] pushes the new stuff to this blog as a draft. Finally, … Continue reading

The post Posting from Evernote [via Zapier] & some a-maze-ing women painted by Sofia Bonati appeared first on Skate of the web.

Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled.

Flickr photo by Michael Hall. CC-Licensed BY-NC-SA.

A book review on reminds me of a singular issue in the teaching & learning community: Studying, the road less traveled. In it, studying is compared to a sort of rebel passion. Studying is disappearing, writes Paola Mastrocola, author of the … Continue reading

The post Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled. appeared first on Skate of the web.